The "Förderverein für krebskranke Kinder e.V. Köln" is an initiative of parents of children who have been affected by cancer and who are committed to improving the living conditions and environment of children and adolescents who are being treated in Cologne. The whole family is involved, as the illness of a child is a severe shock for parents and siblings. As a self-help group, we pass on our own experiences and support those currently affected.
What we stand for
The support group has been a pillar of support for affected families at the University Hospital of Cologne for 31 years. The association is run on a purely voluntary basis - although the annual budget is now equivalent to that of a medium-sized company. 20 jobs are financed directly or indirectly by third-party funds for the benefit of sick children and their families.
The association does not receive any subsidies, even though it provides vital services such as running the parents' home. The honorary members of the board work tirelessly in public relations to raise an unbelievable amount of money - approximately 9,150 individual donations per year. And they do this in addition to their professional and private lives.
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