Industry Expertise
Our focus is on the IT, finance, and insurance industries, where we advise both traditional and specialized companies.
In addition, large service providers and IT departments of medium-sized and large companies from various industries, primarily banks and logistics companies, have long benefited fromIn our successful project consulting: From specialist areas to application development to complete IT operations, we see ourselves as competent coordinators and supporters of your projects.
Thanks to our many years of experience, we have a deep understanding of insurance companies and cross-divisional insurance expertise. As a result, we understand the challenges you face in the insurance environment.
The biggest challenges for insurers in the policy area today are modernizing legacy IT - replacing old systems - and creating a better customer experience. Customers expect their concerns to be addressed quickly. That's why it's important to digitize customer communications, introduce self-service, and automate customer management processes wherever possible.
Some of our consultants have learned the insurance business from the ground up. We understand the power of process automation and modern applications, as well as the challenges of running an insurance business.

In today's sales environment, a consistent focus on the end customer is essential. We can help you take the right steps to achieve customer centricity. We help you better understand your hybrid customers and work with you in workshops to create personas and customer journeys.
Insurance sales increasingly rely on omnichannel capabilities. Our consultants understand the challenges of traditional sales and have experience in designing and implementing fully digital application processes as well as dark processing. As a result, we can help your team make your sales operations more sustainable.
Claims / Benefits

Digitization is also becoming increasingly important in the area of claims and benefits. For example, claims processes can be digitized and largely automated through the use of artificial intelligence in invoice recognition. Simple claims processes can now be handled largely in the background. We can help you design and implement such digitization and automation initiatives.